TimeQuest Issue with wrong launch clock & wrong latch edge ¶
By: alexleeper on Feb. 22, 2021, 7:11 a.m.
In my VHDL code, I use rising_edge for shift registers to latch data.
But TimeQuest report timing of these shift registers using falling edge of clock.
What's wrong?
pls see the detailed VHDL code below:
USE IEEE.stdlogic1164.ALL;
USE IEEE.stdlogicunsigned.ALL;
USE IEEE.stdlogicarith.ALL;
entity FreqMeasure_ADReader is
IN_AD_SCLK : in std_logic;
IN_TARGET_SIGNAL : in std_logic;
IN_AD_DATA : in std_logic;
OUT_AD_SCLK : out std_logic;
OUT_AD_VALUE : out integer
constant cADRESOLUTION : integer :=16;
end entity;
architecture registeradsclk of FreqMeasureADReader is
component SynSignalGeneratorCrossingClockDomain is
INCLK : in stdlogic;
INSTROBE : in stdlogic;
OUTSYNSIGNAL : inout std_logic
end component;
signal s_ad_sdata_shift_reg : std_logic_vector(c_AD_RESOLUTION-1 downto 0);
signal s_ad_sclk_enable :std_logic;
signal s_ad_sclk :std_logic;
signal s_counter :integer range c_AD_RESOLUTION*2 downto 0;
signal s_target_signal : std_logic;
signal s_counter_synclear : std_logic;
stargetsignal <= NOT INTARGETSIGNAL;
countersyncleargen: SynSignalGeneratorCrossingClockDomain PORT MAP(INADSCLK, stargetsignal, scountersynclear);
sclkengen: process(INADSCLK, scountersynclear)
if(scountersynclear = '1') then
scounter <= 0;
elsif(risingedge(INADSCLK)) then
if(scounter = 1) then
sadsclkenable <= '0';
scounter <= scounter + 1;
elsif(scounter < cADRESOLUTION * 2) then
sadsclkenable <= '0';
scounter <= scounter + 1;
sadsclkenable <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
adsclkgen: process(INADSCLK, sadsclkenable)
if(sadsclkenable = '0') then
if(risingedge(INADSCLK)) then
sadsclk <= NOT sadsclk;
end if;
sadsclk <= '1';
end if;
end process;
OUTADSCLK <= sadsclk;
shiftreg0: process(sadsclk)
if(risingedge(sadsclk)) then
sadsdatashiftreg(0) <= INADDATA;
end if;
end process;
shiftreggen: for i in 1 to sadsdatashiftreg'high generate
if(risingedge(sadsclk)) then
sadsdatashiftreg(i) <= sadsdatashiftreg(i-1);
end if; end process;
end generate;
OUTADVALUE <= CONVINTEGER(sadsdatashiftreg);
end registeradsclk;
Pls see the following TimeQuest screen shot pic:
Another question:
I create ADSCLK for *|FreqMeasureADReader:*|sadsclk, pls see below
creategeneratedclock -name ADSCLK -source FreqMeasureNiosII:inst|pll:thepll|altpllpll:thepll|altpll:altpllcomponent|clk2 -divide_by 2
And TimeQuest report timing of |FreqMeasure_ADReader:|sadsclk with wrong launch clock, the launch clock should be FreqMeasureNiosII:inst|pll:thepll|altpllpll:thepll|altpll:altpllcomponent|clk2.
Pls note that: *|FreqMeasureADReader:*|sadsclk is a toggle register launch & latch by FreqMeasureNiosII:inst|pll:thepll|altpllpll:thepll|altpll:altpllcomponent|_clk2, which make TimeQuest confused.
How can I correct TimeQuest to report correct timing in this case?
Pls also see the following screen shot pic: